Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beached Wales

Today was great. We drove to Wales with Nathans brother, Adam in the morning. We got to Nathans sister Naomi's house around 10am. The house is really adorable and tucked away in a small little village here in Wales. We soon took Naomi's daughter, Loren, with us to the beach. The drive to the beach was our first adventure because it was Nathans first time in a long time driving on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car, while driving a manual on the tiniest roads in existence.

Once we got to the beach Adam saw a friend who then offered to give us a ride on his boat. It was absolutely amazing! It was so breathtaking to be alongside such a beautiful coastline. I loved it! Wales is so beautiful. I am pretty well convinced I want to live here.

On the way to this beach Nathan told me about this amazing beach he wants to go to while we are here that you can only get to by boat or by doing some serious walking but he couldn't remember where it was. Well as luck would have it we found it while on the boat! We stopped on the beach and took some pictures of the beautiful bay. There was a wonderful waterfall we took lots of pictures by. 

While on our boat ride of 2 and 1/2 hours we saw a seal and dolphin up close! We chased down the dolphin for a while until we felt really bad for basically trapping the poor thing. We went back to the beach and ate a typical meal of chips and battered sausage. Yum!

I am already really loving Wales. I am glad I get to spend the week here. The wedding is really coming up now. It's in two weeks. That's it! Time is going by really quickly. I spend the rest of the week in Wales then we are off to the family holiday in Devon until Wednesday the 22nd when we meet up with my family in LONDON. Exciting times!


  1. Love your blog, Megan! So glad you're writing about your adventures for the rest of us to be jealous of:)Have fun exploring with the love of your life.

  2. Can Nathans new nickname be Mog please. So it can be the adventures of Meg and Mog. :-) glad y'all are having a nice time. Jared :-)
